释义 |
1 ?引线拉力测试 其功能主要 体现在一些列测试头,其中包括H引: WP系列测试头:用于引线拉力测试(Wire pull),量程59~5kg BS系列测试头:用于焊点剪切测试(Bullshear),量程29~5kg BP系列测试头:用于焊点拉断测试(Bull pull),量程... 2 ?金线拉力 某段时间内,对wire bond的金线拉力(wire pull)进行了170次测量,得到均值为13.93g,方差 为1.26g,能否以95%的置信度认为该段时间内wire pull均值为16g Test of mu = 16 vs not =... 3 ?焊线拉力 而 COB 的 制程 一般都只测『焊线拉力(wire pull)』。 推晶(Die shift ) 推球(Ball shift)
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At the same time, we obviously don't want to pull the whole world across the wire, at least not all at once. 同时,我们也显然不想通过一根线缆获得整个世界的信息,至少不要一次就得到。 - 2
Pull out of the wire, precise size, smooth surface, and the use of drawing equipment and mold is simple, easy to manufacture. 拉出的丝,尺寸精确,表面光洁,且所用拉拔设备和模具简单,制造容易。 - 3
Wire ropes are used to pull the window open.