释义 |
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交通运输工程 船舶污染 The majority of the various international conventions,as well as domestic law of marine pollution,mainly concern vessel-source pollution,which is therefore one of the key issue for controlling marine pollution. 在规制海洋污染的国际性公约以及国内立法中,绝大部分是关于船舶污染控制的。 因此控制海洋污染的重点以及难点之一就是控制船舶污染。
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The Coastal Statesand Port States have the right of interference to the vessel-source pollution on the HighSeas, and would not be restricted by traditional Flag States Jurisdiction Principle. 沿海国、港口国对公海海域的船舶污染得进行干预,不再受限于传统的船旗国管辖原则。