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Due to this characteristic, the revised theory has implications especially for high-density regions, such as in the very early Universe or within a black hole. 由于这个特征,修正后的理论在像在非常早期的宇宙或黑洞等高密度区域中的表现尤为明显。 - 2
In the talk, he will argue that tiny quantum fluctuations in the very early universe became the seeds from which galaxies, stars, and ultimately human life emerged. 届时,霍金将论证一个终极问题,即早期宇宙中微小的量子涨落是如何成为后来形成星系、恒星以及人类的火种。 - 3
In the talk, he will argue that tiny quantum fluctuations in the very early universe became the seeds from which galaxies, stars, and ultimately human life emerged. 在演讲中他将证明,在甚早期的宇宙中的微小量子涨落成为星系、恒星以及最终人类生命出现的起源。