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黄色的刚玉 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
But in general, sapphire only refers to blue corundum. Other color corundum often named by their colors: yellow sapphire, green sapphire etc. 通常蓝宝石泛指蓝色的刚玉,其它颜色的刚玉则通常用其颜色来描述,如黄色蓝宝石、绿色蓝宝石等。 - 2
Made up of the elements aluminum and oxygen, corundum also can be yellow, gray, or brown. 由铝和氧两种元素构成的刚玉,会呈现出黄色、灰色或者棕色。 - 3
Made up of the elements aluminum and oxygen, corundum also can be yellow, gray, or brown. 制造的基础是氧化铝,金刚砂可以是:黄色,灰色和棕色。