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trafficking 英/ ?tr?f?k?? / 美/ ?tr?f?k?? / - n.非法交易(尤指毒品买卖)
- vi.交易(traffic 的现在分词)
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医药科学 运输 Spiral ganglion damage was the most prominent pathological change in this model. AQP-1 expression level was not affected by 3-NP treatment, but the trafficking was disturbed. 在此模型中,螺旋神经节细胞损伤是其最明显的病理改变,3-NP对螺旋螺旋韧带纤维细胞AQP-1的表达量没有影响,但影响其胞内运输。
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生物学 运输 Ciliate, a unicellular protozoa and low eukaryotes in evolution, has perfect vesicular trafficking system among organelles. 纤毛虫是单细胞的原生动物,在进化上属于低等的真核生物,但其各细胞器之间囊泡运输系统极为完善。 转运 In this paper, we have successfully labeled two different kinds of vesicles with fluorescent protein to study the dynamics, molecular mechanism of their trafficking in PC12 cells. 我们成功的在PC12细胞中用荧光蛋白标记了两类囊泡,并研究了它们在转运过程中的动力学特性及分子机制。
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