... 公平农业贸易国家部长级会议 ministerial meeting of fair traders in agriculture 贸易优惠 trade conce ion; trade concession; trade preference 第四次世界贸易组织部长级会议的部长宣言 ministerial declaration of the fourth ministerial conference of the world trade organization ...
That said, new taxes are a tough sell in Washington, which helps explain the current preference for a cap-and-trade scheme.
At Shell, our preference is for cap-and-trade systems that place a cap on the overall level of emissions permitted.
在壳牌,我们倾向于上限和交易(cap - and - trade)系统来为总的排放水平确定一个上限。
In a market with a strong bias in one direction or just after a clear supply or demand indication, a trade in only one direction is taken. This is called an Opening Range Breakout Preference (ORBP).