释义 |
- 贸易卡片:一种用于宣传和推广商品或服务的印刷品,通常包含商家的名称、地址、联系方式等信息,以及商品或服务的描述和图片。
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That's not the life for many people, of course, because as with anything, there are trade-offs. Sure, you can live without the burden of debt, but it's harder to travel without a credit card. 当然,这样的生活并不是对每个人都适合,因为每件事都有其利弊。的解,你可以过无债务负担的生活,但是不用信用卡来旅游却更难。 - 2
The threat today is not simply about vandalism but outright theft of confidential information, such as credit-card Numbers, social-security details, financial data, marketing plans and trade secrets. 如今它不只是简单地破坏、进而更盗取和泄漏保密信息,如信用卡号码、身份证号码、金融数据、营销计划和商贸机密。 - 3
According to Nilson Report, a trade magazine, American merchants shelled out $56 billion in payment-card fees last year (see chart), over twice the amount they paid five years earlier. 根据尼尔森报告的数据,美国商户去年共计支付了560亿美元的交易费(见图),这个数据是五年前的两倍多。