释义 |
1 ?一周又一周 ... wash down 冲洗 week in and week out 一周又一周 were to 假若,假设 ...
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As for looking glam week in and week out on American Idol, Lopez says, "I don't want anybody thinking it's easy." 关于在《美国偶像》上每星期看起来都很华丽洛佩兹说,“我不想别人认为那是简单的。” - 2
Looking on after all the years, is a familiar face who sit in the stand week in and week out, now at the age of 74 he continues with his United affair. 回头看看,即使过了那么多年,只要曼联有比赛他就会出现在看台上,每个周那个无比熟悉的面孔都出现在那个位子上,不论风吹日晒,不管阴晴圆缺,他一直在那里看着曼联,现今已经74岁高龄的他依旧为曼联那些事务操劳忙碌着。 - 3
It hasn't particularly happened to me, and everybody knows I want to play week in and week out, but I'm not silly enough to think that it won't happen. 到现在还没有发生在我身上。大家都知道我想一个星期在场外一个星期在场内。