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In the week ending 30 May 2009, 68 new suspected cases and one death were reported, compared to 140 cases and two deaths during the earlier week. 在2009年5月30日结束的一周,报告了68例新的疑似病例和一例死亡。相比之下,此前一周期间报告了140例新的疑似病例和两例死亡。 - 2
Initial claims for state unemployment insurance benefits were a seasonally adjusted 542, 000 in the week ending November 15, compared with 515, 000 the week before, the biggest increase since 1992. 国家失业保险补贴的首次申请人数剔除季节因素,到11月15日这周,相比起上周的515,000人,申请人数已经增至542,000人,增幅达1992以来的最大值。 - 3
But that was enough to knock [gm99nd] out of the top spot for the first time since the week ending Sept. 15, 2007. 不过这已经足以让[gm 66nd]自截至2007年9月15日的一周以来首次跌下冠军宝座。