WebSphere Application Server V6.1: Web 服务方面的新特性 调(Web Services Coordination,WS-Coordination) Web 服务原子事务(Web Services AtomicTransaction,WS-AT) Web 服务业务活动(Web Services BusinessActivity,WS-BA)
In a Web module that invokes a Web service, specify Send WebServicesAtomictransaction on requests to propagate the transaction to the target Web service.
在用于调用Web服务的Web模块中,指定Send Web Services Atomic Transaction on requests以将事务传播到目标Web服务。
In a Web module that implements a Web service, specify Execute using WebServicesAtomictransaction on incoming requests to run under a received client transaction context.
在用于实现Web服务的Web模块中,指定Execute using Web Services Atomic Transaction on incoming requests以便在已收到的客户端事务上下文下运行。
There is a relatively straightforward map from classic to webservices transactions and we mapped the Durable 2pc variety of webservicesAtomictransaction as an illustration.