A wide range of threats can damage your smartphone and Webroot Mobile Security helps you protect it.
大量的威胁可能会损害您的智能手机,而Webroot Mobile Security可以帮助您保护它。
Also note that the server doesn't implement directory listings, so you must specify a valid URL pointing to a file under your webroot.
Equally viable (and preferred for this series) would be to copy the contents of /column/protected/cakephp/app/webroot into a Web-accessible directory (in this case, /column/htdocs/cakephp).
等效的可行方法(且为本系列的首选方法)是把 /column/protected/cakephp/app/webroot 的内容复制到 Web 可访问的目录(在本例中为 /column/htdocs/cakephp)中。