柔性版印刷专业术语(二十) ... Web guide 纸卷导引装置,引领纸卷保持在印刷系统中正确走纸 Web monitoring 纸卷视屏监察 Web sections 走卷分区:纸卷在卷筒纸印刷机上的进纸可以按以下张力驱动单位分区,(1)由放卷单位到第一输入点;(2)由第一输入点到第一印刷组;(3)从第一印刷组到最后印刷组的印刷加工区,在多色组系统又可把从前一色组到后一色组视为相同的纸卷导引区;(4)从最后一色组出来经过冷却到最后的收卷点;(5)收卷区到分切区 ...
Their page requests flow through a webmonitoring service, which can block or report access to certain sites.
You need a monitoringWeb service to track how well IPv6 is performing in remotely controlling multiple data centers and whether one data center is performing better than others.
Future parts of this series will discuss tips and tricks in the Web services wizard, Web services testing and monitoring tools, and common Web services code generation issues.