释义 |
您要找的是不是: urgingv. 说服,催促;激励,驱策;清除(urge的i... - 1
His sister, the poet Constance Urdang, died in 1996. - 2
In 1969 he started Laurence Urdang Inc., a company with offices in Connecticut and Aylesbury, England. 1969年,他创建了劳伦斯?厄当公司,在康涅狄格和英国艾尔斯·伯里均有办公室。 - 3
"It is an abstract, highly stylish shot that is completely inappropriate and will be removed from the film," said Urdang. 厄当说:“这是一个抽象的、前卫的镜头,但是现在已经不合时宜了,所以要将其剪切。”