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air attack 英/ e?r ??t?k / 美/ er ??t?k / - 1
计算机科学技术 空袭 As far as recent several high technology local wars are concerned, wars with air attack and against air attack will be an important campaign pattern of our army in the future. In order to adapt for future campaign, we have to make use of current weapon equipment of our army to improve training level of our force. 从近期发生的几场高技术局部战争来看,空袭和反空袭作战将是未来我军的一种重要的作战模式,为了适应未来作战的要求,必须立足于我军现有的武器装备,提高部队的训练水平。
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The Normandy invasion began with overnight parachute and glider landings, massive air attacks, naval bombardment. 诺曼底登陆开始于连夜的降落伞和滑翔机着陆、大规模的空袭、海军轰炸。 - 2
NATO air attacks, as well as weapons supplied by friendly Gulf states, aided the rebels. 北约的空袭,连同友好海湾国家提供的武器,为反对派提供了支援。 - 3
NATO stepped up its air attacks on Tripoli, the Libyan capital, and deployed Apache attack helicopters. 北约加快了对利比亚首都的黎波里的空袭,并部署了阿帕切武装直升机。