... air activity 空中活动 air admission空气进入 air and water heater, combined 空气加热器和热水器,组合的 ...
...dy parts or things at home ? 最好对初学者来说,常见的单词群体,如食物、 身体部位或家里的事入手 air admission ? 空气入场 illusions are art for the fooling person, and it is by that art that you live,if you do ? 错觉是为 fooling 人,翻译公司,...
In the air slit venting system of rotors, the airadmission and induction properties of the air buckets have a direct influence on the system's air flow and its cooling property.
When the air fills the entire tooth ditch, airadmission of side end surface extension the rotor has left air inlet of the cabinet, namely is sealed up air in the tooth ditch's between.