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1 [劳经]?工资指数 ... pay,wage,salary工资 wage index工资指数 minimum wage最低工资 ...
- 1
While the local economy began to recover, the rental index increased, and the housing affordability ratio and the real wage index dropped. 在经济开始复苏的同时,租金指数上升,港人的房屋负担能力及实质工资则比前一年下跌。 - 2
Secondly, "Interrupt capture to expend in those days and did not press formulary filling capture, in those days capture expends wage index with 0 computation " . 其二,“当年中断缴费且未按规定补缴的,当年的缴费 工资指数以零计算”。 - 3
The real wage index, obtained by deflating the nominal wage index by the consumer price index (a), indicates changes in the purchasing power of the amount of wages earned. 实质工资指数是从名义工资指数中,按甲类消费物价指数的变幅,扣除通胀的影响而得出,可显示工资金额购买力的转变。