释义 |
1 ?使用无盘工作站替代 ... 关系型数据库(relational databases) 进入GlancePlus; 使用无盘工作站替代X-terminal ... 2 ?终端 ...,由3个CISCO路由器构成一个IP环,网管中心(NMC)的网管服务器(Preside)位于营房村二枢纽12楼,备用网管 终端 ( X-Terminal )位于营房村二枢纽9楼。
- 1
When the code sends you messages you see in the spare X terminal while browsing various pages, you get important feedback that facilitates and enhances your knowledge of the system. 当浏览各个页面时代码把您在另一个X终端中看到的消息发送给您时,您将获得推动和增强系统知识的重要反馈。 - 2
Popular formats are PNG, PDF, and jpeg, and they can then be presented either on the fly or directly to an X terminal, Web page, or a general graphic viewer utility. 流行的格式是png、pdf和jpeg,然后可以把它们动态地或直接地传递给x终端、网页或通用的图形查看程序。 - 3
For instance, on Mac OS X, the wall utility — short for "write all," because it writes a message to every physical or virtual terminal device — is setgid tty (as shown above). 例如,在Mac OS X中,wall工具(“write all”的缩写,因其会将某个消息写入所有物理或虚拟终端设备而得名)的setgid被设为tty(如上所示)。