The luminosity and the energy of emission line correlate with the pulse phase of X-raypulsar as well.
Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory found that this pulsar, known as PSR J0357+3205 (or PSR J0357 for short), apparently has a long, bright X-ray tail streaming away from it.
天文学家通过美国宇航局(NASA)的钱德拉(Chandra ) X 射线天文台,发现了这个被称作 PSR J0357+3205(或简称为 PSR J0357)的脉冲星。 很明显,它留下了一条长而明亮的 X 射线尾巴。
At the center of this image made by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is a very young and powerful pulsar, known as PSR B1509-58, or B1509 for short.
在由美国宇航局的钱德拉X射线天文台提出这个图的中心是一个非常年轻和强大的脉冲星,因为的PS R B1509 - 58已知,或简称为B1509。