医用X光射线防护装置 Roentgen rays (Protection devices against 每), for medical purposes 医用X光照片 X-ray photographs [for medical purposes] 医用X射线(伦琴射线)防护装置 Protection devices against X-rays [Roentgen rays], for medical purp...
Objective to provide the anatomic foundation for dorsoventral X-rayphotographs of internal auditory canal.
The X-rayphotographs of 400 cases of mandbular impacted third molar were observed and the impacted molar types and relations between impacted types and complications of impacted tooth were analysed.
通过400例下第三磨牙的X 线片观察,分析了阻生齿的阻生类型,阻生类型与阻生齿并发症的关系。
Rosalind Franklin, a chemist whose X-ray diffusion photographs of DNA molecules showed their essential structure and paved the way for the trio's work, received nothing.