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完整版 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?版本完整性 心理学专业英语词汇(V)—生命经纬 ... versed 精通的 version test 变式检查 Verstehend psychologie 理解心理学 ...
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The current implementation of NFS Version 4 makes use of Kerberos (RFC 4120) as its underlying security mechanism to achieve authentication, privacy, integrity, and non-repudiation. NFS Version 4的当前实现使用Kerberos (RFC 4120)作为其基础安全机制,以实现身份验证、保密性、完整性和不可否认性。 - 2
Network file system Version 4 (NFS V4), the up-and-coming enterprise file system, USES the Kerberos security mechanism to address privacy, authentication, and integrity requirements. 即将推出的企业文件系统Net work File System Version 4 (NFS V4)使用Kerberos安全性机制解决隐私、身份验证和完整性需求。 - 3
Referential integrity is a commonly requested feature in db4o, and I'm told the development team is thinking about ways to add it in a future version. 引用一致性是db4o普遍需要的特性,据说开发团队正在考虑在未来某个版本中加入这一特性。