The z/OS artifacts are stored in the ClearCase repository called a VOB (versionedobjectbase).
存储在 ClearCase 中的 z/OS 工件叫做VOB(版本化的目标基础)。
ClearCase stores artifacts under version control in a secure repository called a VersionedObjectBase (VOB).
ClearCase在一个名为versioned Object Base (VOB)的安全存储库中存储被版本控制地的工件。
The last step in setting up the build machine is to create a suitable ClearCase view to the VersionedObjectBase (VOB) containing the projects to be built.
建立构建机的最后一步是,为包含待构建的项目的 Versioned Object Base (VOB) 创建一个适当的 ClearCase 视图。