释义 |
- n.阿胡拉:是琐罗亚斯德教中的善神,与恶魔德弗(Daēva)对立。。
1 ?阿胡拉 吠陀文化中的魔鬼阿修罗(Ashuras)就是琐罗亚斯德教神祗阿胡拉(Ahuras);印度教神祗德瓦(Devas)就是琐罗亚斯德教阿胡拉神的敌人。 2 ?阿弗拉 阿弗拉(Ahura )的原论 就是神,论自 ( 达 MaZDa )的原论就是智慧。 论论把五 字母分论用大小 论合起 。
- 1
Is it a symbolic image of Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian name for the One God, the "Wise Lord?" 它是代表琐罗亚斯德教的唯一神,阿胡玛兹达,“英明的主”的一个象征肖像吗? - 2
The general scholarly opinion, at least in the west, was that the winged disc represented ahura mazda. 一般学者主张,至少在西部,有翼的圆盘状是代表阿胡玛兹达。 - 3
It is achieved only at the expense of Ahura Mazda, by then called Ohrmazd, who is brought down to the level of his opponent, Ahriman. 这仅有在损害阿胡玛兹达的情况下才完成,那时候就叫奥玛兹,下降至他的对手,邪神的等级。
1From Avestan ?????????? ?(ahura, “lord”). FROM: wiktionary |