释义 |
1 ?丰桥 ... 富山新港(日本)Toyama Sinko 丰桥(日本)Toyohashi 津(日本)Tsu ... 2 ?豊桥 豊桥教会 豊桥教会, 豊桥 (Toyohashi), 爱知県, 中部地方 3 ?豊桥市 ... (美浜町),Himakajima(日间贺岛), Inuyama(犬山市),Tokai (东海市),Toyota(豊田市),Okazaki(冈崎市),Toyohashi(豊桥市),Gamagoli(蒲郡市) Gihu Ken(岐阜県): Gihu(岐阜市),Sirakawago(白川郷), Takayama(高山市), Heda (飞騨市) .. 4 ?豊桥駅 JR豊桥駅(Toyohashi) (0.16 km.)
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Toyohashi University of Technology has developed Terapio, a robotic medical cart that can make hospital rounds, deliver medications and other items, and retrieve records. 丰桥科技大学开发了 Terapio,这是一种机器医疗推车,可以在医院内巡回运转,运送药物和其他物品并检索记录。 - 2
The Toyohashi City website can be automatically translated into many different languages. 丰桥市官方网站采用机器式自动翻译服务翻译成不同的语言。