释义 |
- 白种人:指具有欧洲、北非或西亚血统的人群,通常皮肤较白。
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Rates fell significantly for all races and Hispanic origin groups between 2008 and 2009, with declines ranging from 4 to 6 percent (for non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Asian teenagers). 在2008年—2009年此一年中,西班牙裔族群和所有的种族的出生率都出现了大幅度的降低,下降率在4%—6%之间波动(针对的是非西班牙白人和黑人族群,和亚洲的青少年)。 - 2
Optimize the Earth into a tetrahedron, with white, yellow, brown, black human RACES standing on each side of it. 地球优化成一个四面体,四面上分别站着白黄棕黑四色人种。 - 3
Ching Ming Festival regatta practices throughout the county, Jiaxing, said stepping white boat, sea salt, said a jump ship, Pinghu shake Clippers said, are boat RACES. 清明节赛船习俗遍及各县,嘉兴称踏白船,海盐称出跳船,平湖称摇快船,均为划船比赛。