释义 |
1 [医]?股白肿 ... wheelchair 轮椅 whirlpool bath 旋涡浴 white leg 股白肿 ... 2 ?大白腿 那个男人胃疼,因为他吃了变质的食物 ? Man stomach, because he ate bad food 大白腿 ? White leg 妈妈告诉我比赛后要尽快回家 ? Mom told me to go home as soon as possible after the game .. 3 ?血栓性静脉炎 血栓性静脉炎 milk-leg; thrombophlebitis; thrombotic phlebitis; venous thrombosis; white leg 静脉血栓性静脉炎 thrombophlebitis of popliteal vein ..
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Jose Mourinho's side held a comfortable lead from the first leg at the Bernabeu but, despite that advantage, the Real Madrid coach still decided to play his strongest side at White Hart Lane. 何塞·穆里尼奥的球队在伯纳乌的首回合比赛中取得了舒服的领先优势,但是在白鹿巷,皇马依然尽派最强阵容。 - 2
"I found myself in a Bruce Willis Die Hard moment," he said, "where my arm - had a lovely white shirt on - and it just exploded into red." And, while I was taking that in, I got a bullet in my leg. “我发现自己就像是《虎胆龙威》中Bruce Willis”,他说:“我中了3枪,胳膊、大腿和身上,爆炸将我的白衬衫染成了红色,还有一颗子弹擦着我的头皮飞了过去。” - 3
"She'll lose that leg," Enzo heard one of the EMTs, whose face was blanched white from the cold, say. “她要失去那条腿,”恩佐听到其中一位急诊医生——他的脸因为寒冷而发白——说。