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白色的污垢 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
In an idealized situation, where the threads contained all the primary colors in equal amounts, and were not obscured by dirt and other residues, the lint would appear to be white, not gray. 在所有原色的线头数量相等,并且没有被灰尘抑或其他的残渣遮盖的理想情况之下,那些绒线应该是白色的而不是灰色。 - 2
"Given a choice, I would never work in a mine," says Wang dressed in a pair of old jeans, white tennis shoes and a brown artificial leather jacket, dirt clogging his long fingernails. “假如还有别的选择,我是绝不会再当一名煤矿工人的。” 身着一件牛仔裤,脚穿一双白球鞋,外套一件棕色的人造革夹克,留有脏兮兮的长指甲的小王如是说。 - 3
If you haven't seen these nymphs before on the site, they're actually jet black: the white coating is lint and dirt that they glue to themselves with spittle to form camouflage. 可能你从没有见过这样的若虫,他们实际上是深黑色的:白色的外衣是绒毛和它们用唾液粘上作为伪装的灰尘。