We welcome applicants with a 2:1 UpperSecond Class or equivalent degree, ideally in an Architecture discipline.
我们欢迎申请人以 2:1 上的第二个类或同等程度,最理想的是建筑学科中。
A dilute solution of 5-10 MLS sodium hypochlorite was inadvertently injected into the maxillary sinus during root canal therapy of a right uppersecond premolar (5).
阿稀溶液5 - 10毫升次氯酸钠不慎注入上颌窦根管治疗期间的右上第二小臼齿(5)。
More women than men go to university, and when they're there, they do better: 58% of women gained first class and uppersecond degrees in 2006, compared to 50% of men.