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- n.韧性;硬,切不动;坚韧,坚强;艰巨性;强硬;强暴
1 [力]?韧性 ...质点间的联系不被破坏的性能 硬度(hardness):材料抵抗局部变形,特别是塑性变形、压痕或划痕的能力称为硬度 韧性(toughness):韧性是指金属在冲断前吸收变形能量的能力,即抵抗冲击破坏的能力... 2 ?坚韧 ... 反应(Initiative): 坚韧(Toughness): 抗性(Resist): ... 3 [力]?韧度 1.3 脆性断裂和韧性断裂 韧度(toughness) :是指材料在断裂前的弹塑性变形中吸收能量的能力。它是个能量的 概念。 4 ?健壮 健壮(Toughness):代表人物的抗打击能力和健康程度,影响生命力、伤害、魔法抵抗和负重,增加生命力获得速率、破甲度、法术抵抗率和负重。
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The toughness, lightness, strength, and elasticity of whalebone gave it a wide variety of uses. 鲸须的坚韧、轻巧、结实而又有弹性赋予它广泛的用途。 - 2
According to the public, at least, it's not that they lack toughness, management talent or proper skill sets. 至少在公众看来,这并不是因为他们缺乏韧性、管理才能或是与之匹配的技能。 - 3
Now, though, a novel type of steel has been developed that resists fractures at much lower temperatures, while retaining its strength and toughness—without the need for expensive additives. 然而现在,一种新型的钢已经被开发出来,它可以在更低的温度下抵抗断裂,同时保持其强度和韧性,而不需要昂贵的添加剂。