释义 |
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The flesh body that we touch is composed of organs of various functions, such as bones, nine apertures, and six guts. 我们看我们这个肉身,它是由骨头、九窍、六脏等等许多不同功能的组织拼凑而成; - 2
These mechanoreceptor organs, like the hair cells in the human ear, mechanically transmit the stimulus of touch or sound waves. 动物的这种机械性刺激感受器官,诸如人类耳朵里的毛细胞,能够机械性地发出触觉波或声波的激源。 - 3
Our brains integrate signals from our eyes and ears with other information from the organs in our inner ear, from our muscles and joints, and from our senses of touch and pressure. 大脑的功能是把来自眼睛和耳朵的信号与来自内耳器官、肌肉、关节以及触觉、压力等感官的信息综合在一起。