释义 |
1 [通信]?接触叫号 ... 阶跃折射率 step index 接触叫号 touch call 接地百分率 earthing percentage ...
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It was refurbished to this look in the late 1990s but the outside feather-touch call button remains original. 该机于1990年代后期被装修至这个样子,但机外的轻触式楼层按钮仍然被保留。 - 2
To your wife, child, siblings, parents, a friend or a retired colleague. A 5 minute keep-in-touch call will lift your spirits for hours and reinvigorate you to get your work done. 打给你的妻子、孩子、兄弟姐妹、父母、朋友或一位退休的同事,一个5分钟的保持联系的电话将会使你的精神振奋几个小时,并且赋予你新的能量来完成工作。 - 3
To your wife, child, siblings, parents, a friend or a retired colleague. A 5 minute keep-in-touch call will lift your spirits for hours and reinvigorate you to get your work done. 打给你的妻子、孩子、兄弟姐妹、怙恃、朋友或一名退休的同事,一个5分钟的保持联系的电话将会使你的精神奋发几个小时,并且赋予你新的能量来完成事情。