释义 |
1 ?吮拇指 您好,吮拇指(thumb sucking)是婴儿的正常行为,持续则被视为幼稚。 若持续到5-6岁,则有可能影响牙齿的正常排列。 2 ?吮姆指 ... 姆指疖 furuncle of thumb 吮姆指 thumb sucking; thumb-sucking; thumbsuckingg 小姆指 le petit poucet; tom thumb ...
- 1
Nail biting, thumb sucking, hair twirling, foot tapping. - 2
The edge must slice his thumb because his hand flies to his mouth, and he's sucking hard, eyes wide open. 纸片一定是划到他大拇指了,他的手里刻缩了回去,嘴用力吸着大拇指,瞪大双眼。 - 3
Furthermore, I made some errors of omission, sucking my thumb when new facts came in that should have caused me to re-examine my thinking and promptly take action. 此外,我范了误差的错误,当新问题出现时,我正在啃手指,这本应该是让我重新审视自己的判断,并且迅速作出反应的时候。