释义 |
1 ?大拇指 ... 魔桌子、金驴子和袋子里的小棍子/TheWishing―Table, 大拇指/Thumbling 狐狸太太的婚礼/TheWeddingofMrs.Fox ... 2 ?拇指仙童 ... 睡美人SLEEPING BEAUTY 拇指仙童THUMBLING 蓝色烟奴THE BLUE LIGHT ... 3 ?大拇哥 提交 中文名: 大拇哥 英文名:Thumbling 大拇哥,汉语方言指“大拇指”,俗话说“挑大拇 哥”,指非常好、非常出色的。Thumbling , Thumb,英文“拇指”的意思。Thumbling,拇指 仙 4 ?大拇指汤姆 ... 大拇指丽娜 thumbelina 大拇指汤姆 thumbling; tom thumb 抚弄大拇指 twiddle or twirl one's thumbs ...
- 1
Thumbling, however, declined, and said he wanted to see the world first. - 2
For this I likewise bring you a handsome bit of money, said thumbling, and gave his father the kreuzer which he earned on his travels. “我给你带回来一块钱作为补偿。” 大拇哥说着将他在旅行中挣的金币交给了父亲。 - 3
So thumbling jumped on to the hearth, and peeped into the dish, but as he stretched his neck in too far the steam from the food caught hold of him, and carried him up the chimney. 于是大拇哥跳上灶台朝盘子里看。可是他把脖子伸得太长了,盘子里冒出的热气一下子把他带进了烟囱,又在空中转悠了一阵才落到地面上来。