释义 |
- 股权所有:员工持有公司股份的福利计划,即员工持有公司股份的计划,这些股份由信托机构购买和管理。
1 ?股权 _天涯博客 关键词:股权;股权处置;股权的非典型性处置 [gap=2208]Key word:Stock ownership, disposal of the stock ownership, untypical disposal of the stock ownership. 2 ?股份所有权 ... Standardization 生产标准化 Stock ownership 股份所有权 structural approach 市场结构标准 ... 3 ?股票持有 (二)、入股所谓入股,又称股票持有(Stock Ownership),即员工成为所属企业之股东,可分为狭义与广义两种。
- 1
Also, all employees can participate in a stock ownership plan. - 2
Significant employee stock ownership aligns the interests of our employees and our shareholders. - 3
Obviously, one way to do it is to actually make them owners, for example, with an employee stock ownership plan. 很显然,这样做的一个办法就是真正地使雇员成为企业主(老板),例如,员工入股计划。