释义 |
- 标签日:一天中向人们募捐(比如为慈善事业),并以小标签作为回报的日子。
1 ?街头募捐日 ... fun run 募捐长跑 tag day 街头募捐日 Flag Day 美国国旗纪念日(六月十四...
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Since most of the workers employed on the project are day-laborers, the information on each worker's tag will be matched to the information in the database each evening as they line up to be paid. 大部分工人都在白天上班,每天晚上工人排队领工资时,每个工人身上的标签信息必须和数据库里的信息相匹配。 - 2
For example, to create a tag URI on New Year's Day 2006, you write macfaq.com,2006-01-01 rather than macfaq.com,06-1-1. 比如,要创建 2006 年新年这一天的标签 URI,就要用 macfaq.com,2006-01-01 而不是 macfaq.com,06-1-1。 - 3
Finally, an arbitrary string is added to the URI so that one person on one day can create any number of tag URIs. Here are a few example tag URIs. 最后在URI后面添加一个任意字符串,这样一个人在一天之内就可以创建任意数量的标签uri。