释义 |
1 ?伯格 4 奥斯特伯格(Stobart) 28 ? 4 P-索尔伯格 雪铁龙 12 5 P-索尔伯格(P-索尔伯格) 23 ? 5 Ice-1 雪铁龙 8 2 ?名字 ... 名字: Stobart 姓: Naomi 标签: Naomi Stobart ...
- 1
He couldn’t see himself as a member of stobartsaddos.com, shivering in their Stobart anoraks on some suburban slip-road. 他不会把自己视为穿着斯托巴特滑雪衫在某些郊区的高速公路交流道处瑟瑟发抖的stobartsaddos.com的会员。 - 2
The huge-lettered name on the lorries, EDDIE STOBART, the one that featured in all the pop songs and the jokes, wasn’t even his. 甚至在卡车上印的大字名字都不是他的,而是在所有流行歌曲和笑料中占有重要地位的艾迪?斯托巴特。 - 3
The huge-lettered name on the lorries, EDDIE STOBART, the one that featured in all the pop songs and the jokes, wasn't even his. 甚至在卡车上印的大字名字都不是他的,而是在所有流行歌曲和笑料中占有重要地位的艾迪?斯托巴特。