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1 ?练习 ... 新产品开发过程的阶段划分(PACE& IPD) 练习:Brain-Storming 案例:盈亏平衡点(Break Even Point) ...
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Asked Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired magazine, at a brain-storming session organised by Audi, a carmaker. 克里斯·安德森作为《连线》杂志的编辑,在参加汽车制造商奥迪公司举行的一场会议中的头脑风暴中如此发问。 - 2
By hot discussion, we break the estrangement of members, stimulate their thinking, have brain-storming and figure out brilliant thoughts. 以激烈的讨论打消会员的生疏,活跃会员的思维,头脑风暴,成就思想。 - 3
"Where does the car end and the phone begin?" asked Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired magazine, at a brain-storming session organised by Audi, a carmaker. 在一个由汽车制造商audi组织的研讨会上,“哪里是人工的终结,智能的开始?”Wired杂志的主编Chris Anderson问道。