释义 |
- 钓鱼行动:一种由执法机构或调查人员使用的秘密行动,旨在引诱犯罪嫌疑人犯罪并将其逮捕。
1 ?突击圈套 ... stay of execution 延缓执行死刑 延缓执行死刑 sting operation (为捉拿疑犯所设置的)突击圈套 (为捉拿疑犯所设置的)突击圈套 stipulation 规定,协议 规定,协议 ... 2 ?精心设计的行动 ... rescue operation救援活动 sting operation(秘密警察为逮捕罪犯而)精心设计的行动 in operation操作中,运转中,实施中,生效 ...
- 1
He was lured to Bangkok in 2008 in an American sting operation. - 2
A fake university established as part of a sting operation to expose student visa scams has netted 21 suspects in mass arrests carried out by American immigration authorities. 美国移民当局的一个卧底行动——通过建立假大学以揭露学生签证诈骗并进行大规模逮捕,该行动逮捕了21名犯罪嫌疑人。 - 3
He even organised a "sting" operation, telling officers to wait for Okole when he arrived from Tajikistan. 他甚至“精心”组织了一个行动,让警官等okole从塔吉克斯坦来。