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大拉比 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?主要拉比 The Chief Rabbi, the Pope, and the Holocaust: An Era in Vatican-Jewish Relations: An Era in Vatican-Jewish Relations
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The Chief Rabbi warned that secular Europe is at risk, however, because its moral relativism can easily be defeated by fundamentalists. 这位首席拉比警告道,但是欧洲世俗世界正处于危险之中,因为其道德相对主义会被原教旨主义者轻易击败。 - 2
Coming from what was once the temple of inflation fundamentalism, it is akin to the chief rabbi calling for reconsideration of kosher laws. 这番发自昔日通胀原教旨主义圣殿的呼声,简直堪比大拉比(犹太学者——译者注)在呼吁反思犹太律法。 - 3
Considering the atrocities in Paris, it should come as no surprise that many Jews feel uneasy in a way that they have not for some time, says Ephraim Mirvis, Britain's chief rabbi. 见识过巴黎的暴行事件,也就不讶异会有那么多的犹太人在某种程度上会神经紧绷过一段时间,英国拉比首领莲莫维斯表示。