释义 |
- abbr.四氢大麻酚 (tetrahydrocannabinol);码头操作费 (terminal handling charges)
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The four main levels of our classification are protein class (c), architecture (a), topology (t) and homologous superfamily (h). 我们的分类中的四个主要层次是蛋白质类(C),结构(A),拓扑结构(T)和同源超家族(H)。 - 2
Zhang X. M. , C. H. Shi, J. G. Wu, G. L. Bao, S. H. Ye, T. Katsura, The relationship between essential amino acid contents of hybridized combinations and their parents. 张小明、石春海、吴建国、鲍根良、叶胜海和富田桂,杂交稻米必需氨基酸含量与亲本的关系。 - 3
Shi C. H. , R. W. Du, D. W. Lin, W. G. Zhang and Z. T. Shen, A new indica rice variety Zhe-Nong 8010 with disease resistance, high quality and yield. 石春海、杜如伟、林大为、章旺根和申宗坦,优质高产抗病早籼品种浙农8010的选育及利用。