释义 |
1 ?感谢卡 对于上进的员工,我们还有其它的激励机制,例如我们的感谢卡(Thank you card),每个管理人员身上都带着这种鼓励员工的面值不等的现金感谢卡,当我们发现哪位员工工作表现出色,我们就会根据他/她当时的情况给... 2 ?谢卡 谢卡(Thank You Card)是指约2x3吋的照片制成,通常于宴客当天让来宾携回留念用;e化礼卡(e Card)是我们特别订制的精致卡片,约3x7吋,让您可以赠送较亲...
- 1
Inside the envelope was a little green and white thank you card. - 2
Yet, when she turned up she came laden with gifts – thank you card, flowers, a bottle of wine and something for dessert! 但是,当她出现时,他带着很多礼物-感谢卡,花,一瓶酒和一些甜品! - 3
One time a candidate sent – I love this – a thank you card with a professional picture of herself, which quite honestly became the running joke for weeks. 一次一个求职者发来一个——我爱这里——一个带有她个人写真照的感谢卡片,说实在的,在接下来几周很快传为了我们办公室的笑柄。