...半印度血缘的关系,初到陌生地对Kat 而言,在适应上几乎没有任何问题,她的刻苦勤奋让她很快地掌握了印地语及 泰卢固语 ( Telegu ),并在40天的舞蹈训练学会Kathak 舞(每天近7小时不停歇的练习),以随时准备接受任何来自宝莱坞的挑战。
...印度港口城市马德拉斯的郴奈(Chennai)才是印度真正的电影首都,郴奈为印度国内外生产泰米尔语的电影,也是特勒 古语 ( Telegu )、埃纳德语(Kannada)和马拉雅拉姆语(Malayalam)的电影中心。
Maoist military wing head Koteswara Rao's demand comes a day after the arrest of Venkateswar Reddy, alias Telegu Deepak, in Calcutta.
BBC: India Maoists demand release of leaders
"At home, my dad used to chant Telegu poems from forward to backward and backward to forward, that kind of thing, " Srinivas Mahankali said.
WSJ: 'German curse' no more for NYC Spelling Bee champ
The other is the Telegu Desam Party, which rules Andhra Pradesh and whose main opponent in the state's assembly election next year will be Congress.