释义 |
- 电报杆:一种高大的木质杆,用于支撑电话系统的电线。
1 ?电线杆 ...后备箱)和bonnets(发动机罩盖), skirting boards(壁脚板) 和 curtains(窗帘), taps (龙头)和 telegraph poles(电线杆), pushchairs(手推婴儿车) 和 nappies(尿布), tea towels(洗碗巾)和 prawn cocktails(加虾仁色拉)。
- 1
Telegraph poles are blurry, not so much pacing out the landscape as shimmying across it. - 2
Beside the train, the monotony is broken by two lines of wooden telegraph poles, marching into infinity, that deepen a sense of loneliness. 路轨旁单调的景色被两行电杆所打破,它们一直延伸到无限远处,却又加深了孤独的感觉。 - 3
The telegraph poles were so close to each other. They looked like a hedge, and the trees had extremely narrow crowns, rather like Italian cypresses. 电线杆之间隔得非常近,看起来像一排篱笆,树的树冠也变得非常窄,很像意大利柏树。