释义 |
- 触觉图像:一种通过触摸来感知的图像,通常用于帮助视力受损者理解图像信息。
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The article classifies image concerning the ways of perception of human being: auditory image, visual image, taste image, scent image, tactile image, move sense image. 按诉诸人的感觉方式,可分为听觉意象、视觉意象、味觉意象、嗅觉意象、触觉意象、动觉意象; - 2
It has been known for a long time that people have a distorted image of their body, with areas with a high tactile sensitivity enormously exaggerated. 人们知道大脑对身体有一个扭曲的形象已经很久了,而且在那些具有高触觉敏感性的部位这种扭曲更是极大地被夸大了。 - 3
The interior aesthetic overall image is all entities and the imaginary unit of space, people feel the visual, olfactory, tactile, auditory, visual effects, the maximum. 室内审美总体形象是单位空间中的所有实体与虚体,人们通过视、听、嗅、触感官来感受,其中视觉作用最大。