释义 |
1 [军]?战术车辆 ... tactical unit ==> 战术分队 tactical vehicle ==> 战术车辆 tactile ==> 触觉的,接触区域原始信息(对象,纹理,形状等) ... 2 ?战术车 防雷反伏击车(MRAP)是战术车(Tactical Vehicle),陆战运兵车(MPC)是作战车(CombatVehicle),两者本质不同,不存在谁能够胜任谁的任务。
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During source selection, the Army rejected a proposal from Oshkosh and Northrop Grumman for a hybrid-electric Joint Light Tactical Vehicle. 在来源选择方面,陆军拒绝了Oshkosh和诺格公司的混合动力联合轻型战术车辆的建议。 - 2
The MGV, for example, will weigh 30 tonnes, and Canada recently began a trial of rubber tracks on the Mobile Tactical Vehicle Light (MTVL), a 22-tonne APC. 例如,MGV将重达20吨,而加拿大最近开始在轻型移动战术车辆(MTVL)——一种22吨重的装甲车——上测试橡胶履带。 - 3
The company submitted a design that was built around the chassis of the Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement, a seven-ton truck that has already seen service in Afghanistan. 基于一种已在阿富汗服役的七顿重的中型战术车辆底盘,奥什卡什公司递交了一个设计方案。