释义 |
- 中暑:由于长时间暴露在高温下,身体无法调节体温而导致的疾病。
1 ?中暑 ... heat stroke; sun stroke 中暑 a finishing stroke 最后致命的一击, 最后的一笔 a gallery stroke 卖弄技巧的表演 ...
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Temporary conditions such as motion sickness, sun stroke, eye strain or fatigue, and changes in atmospheric pressure may also result in nystagmus. 临时的条件,如晕车,太阳中风,眼睛紧张或疲劳,和大气压力的变化也可能导致眼球震颤。 - 2
Instead of a brush stroke, I'm using the sun itself, the horizon itself, arranged to create images. 根本用不着画笔,我只利用太阳和地平线,它们自身就能创作图案。 - 3
We would never presume to claim Sun as a "TI Swimmer" but his stroke is an absolute textbook example of TI technique. 我们永远不会冒昧地宣称孙杨为“TI游泳”,但他的行程是一个绝对的TI技术的典型例子。