The rocks were wet on the side that faced the sun and glazed with ice in the shade; between one rock spike and the next were pockets of wet snow where we sank up to our shoulders.
A solar spike seen on the morning of December 7th in Allegan, Michigan. The sight id caused by wintery ice crystals in the Earth's upper atmosphere refracting light from the sun.
The collapse of the housing market caused the ranks of the poor to spike in Sun Belt communities, such as those surrounding Lakeland, Fla., and Riverside, Calif.
住房市场的垮塌导致本属贫困阶层的人涌入美国的阳光地带社区(Sun Belt communities),比如佛罗里达的莱克兰(Lakeland)和加利福尼亚的里弗赛德(Riverside)。