笔者认为限带令可以加入「日落条款(sunset provision)。日落条款是法律或合约中订明部分或全部条文的终止生效日期(或终止生效条件),期限(或条件)一到法规将会失效。
...宾注册成立新的子公司并持有至多60%的拥有投票权的股份;第三,成立拥有完全授权的分行.第三种模式有落日条款(sunset provision)即只有5年有效期,而且这种模式仅限于10家外资银行、每家外资银行至多设立6家分行.
Other educators in the state said the sunset provision was reasonable because the new system was largely unproven.
WSJ: Teacher Evaluation Deal Falls Apart
Without the sunset provision, the cost would have seemed much higher.
ECONOMIST: Playing politics with tax | The
If the sunset provision is not repealed in 2011, estate tax law would return to the law in place prior to the enactment of EGTRRA on June 7, 2001.
FORBES: Pssst. Don't Tell The IRS. It's Spring And The Estate Tax Has Been Reinstated