释义 |
- 总运转时间:指某个系统或设备从开始运行到结束所经历的时间总和。
1 ?总运行时间 ... ramp升温阶次:**℃/分钟,升至**℃,持续**分钟 total run time总运行时间:**分钟 equilibration time平衡时间:** 分钟 ...
- 1
Passing in false, however, means you won't be provided a total run time. - 2
The next essential piece of information is the total amount of time that the irrigation system operated that night, also referred to as "total run time." 第二和重要的数据信息是每晚喷灌系统运行的总时间,称作总运行时间。 - 3
At this point, if the heap is consistently less than 40% free or the GC pauses are taking more than 10% of the total run time, you should consider increasing the heap size. 此时,如果堆闲置空间总是低于40%,或者GC暂停高于总运行时间的10%,就应该考虑增加堆大小。