... Total magnification 总放大倍数 ; 金相显微镜总放大倍率 Geometric Magnification 几何放大倍率 magnification ratio 放大镜 ; 伸缩比 ; 放大率 ; 放大倍率 ...
金相显微镜总放大倍率(Total Magnification) 当用目镜观察时: 看到的..
Tortoise 玳瑁色 Total magnification 总放年夜倍数 treatment of all types of eye injuries as well as treatment of infections and tearing problems 治疗包孕传染和堕泪等在内的...
The introduction of Automatic Gain Control (AGC) method can adjust the totalmagnification at the range of 10 000 when the output signal amplitude is relatively stable.