...夏日时光 Summertime ; Summer Hours ; GIX ; Jay Beckenstein Summertime 时光平移time shifting ; TimeShift ; Shifting 消磨时光 pass the time ; Killing Time ; kill the time ; i'm spending my time ..
47 中文名称 时空悍将 英文名称 Time Shift 游戏版本 英 游戏类型 FPS 射击 碟片规格 D9 X 1 备注 在「TimeShift中,玩家将扮演知名的试飞员 Michael Sw 基于74个网页 -
... Time reversal 时间反转 Time shifting 时间平移 Region of convergence 收敛域 ...
The 'timeshift' is two hours on average, so teenagers should get up two hours later.
As more people timeshift TV shows for later viewing, skipping through the commercials with their remote, TV shows' advertising revenues have been affected.
"We can detect sunspots at a depth of 60,000 kilometers, but if we try to detect them deeper or closer to the surface, the travel-timeshift becomes weaker," Ilonidis says.